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Outdoor lighting for company get together

Having a company get together can be a wonderful way for coworkers to interact without the stress and worries of the job. This low key environment can stimulate comradery between the attendees and translate to better relations and cooperation at work. A further way to create distance from job related concerns is to have the event outside in a backyard or green space. While this can be easy when it is daylight, outdoor lighting is needed for the party to extend into the evening hours.

There are several different options that can create a festive and pleasantly lit space for everyone to enjoy themselves.

Our get together will be a big success with the poles and lights available to extend the function into the evening hours. The steady glow of the lights will be the perfect framework for the rest of our activities.

Reduce stress at the office by keeping these supplies on hand
Big sign with red heart on peg board

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a project and then realize that you need something that you ran out of last month, meant to replace, but kept putting it off? Take staples for example. As you finish putting together a packet for the new hire, you reach for your stapler and discover that it’s empty. That’s okay, there's a whole box of sta… wah, wah, you used the last of the box a month ago and forgot to stop to get more. Worry no more! While this list doesn’t include staples (consider this your reminder), it does include a random assortment of things you didn’t know you needed, that is, until you do!

With the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to forget to stop at the store on the way home from work to grab those office supplies you are running low on. With a little bit of planning, your job can be so much easier. Being organized reduces stress, improves sleep, increases productivity, and gives you an overall sense of well-being. When you’re not always running out of supplies you need at the office, things are just a little bit more manageable.

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5 Wood Cutting Boards Every Professional Kitchen Needs
the best kitchen knives sets to match your culinary skills set

Cutting boards are a staple in every kitchen. They are essential for clean and organized meal preparation. Plastic cutting boards are the most common in the food service industry. They are easy to clean, inexpensive, and durable. However, for open kitchens that allow their guests to view food as it is prepared, a small detail like a plastic cutting board can cheapen the atmosphere. Wood cutting boards are a durable alternative to plastic that will add an elegant touch to your food service business. These five cutting boards are all made of high quality wood and are sure to last for years to come.  

Every kitchen needs cutting boards. They are essential in meal preparation to prevent cross contamination between foods. They also help keep the kitchen neat and organized. However, a plastic cutting board is not appropriate for every situation in the food service industry. Wood cutting boards provide a durable alternative to plastic while showcasing a beautiful design that will upgrade the look of your professional kitchen.

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Show off your kids at the company party with these 5 accessories
serving platters office party man woman

Bringing your family to a company party can be a great way to socialize and let your coworkers get a glimpse of your everyday life. Spouses can bond, while kids can have a great time getting to know other children. Overall, it can be a fun and relaxing environment for everyone to learn a little bit more about the work-family balance of every employee. The next time you take your family to a company get together, check out these five items to have your kids dressed for the night!

Company parties can be a great way to have employee families meet and interact, and they may even form some close familial friendships. When children are involved, it can be fun for them to interact with other employee children. When it is time for them to dress up a little more formally, try these kid-friendly clothes — easy adjust ties and non-skid socks — for a fun night for everyone!

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