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5 exercise basics to deck out your office gym

For your office gym, choose the right exercise basics to get a midday workout, boost your energy, and stay fit. Having well-chosen gym staples can make working out easier and much more productive. Prepare your office gym and get into shape along or with your co-workers. By cultivating your gym essentials, you’ll get a better workout and minimize the time spent in the gym. Start with versatile exercise basics to help build a strong foundation for your daily workout. 

Make the gym a welcome place to meet your fitness goals with carefully chosen essentials. You can get multiple basics to ensure everyone gets a workout in. Best of all, these staples are simple to store and are effortless to use. You can create a full office gym with a few simple purchases, making workouts fun, enjoyable, and productive.

Sneak in a midday workout with this URBANFit Mini Pilates Ball and stay fit between meetings. You can place this ball between your legs while lying down and lift your feet for an effective core workout. Best used with a yoga mat, this ball gives a full mat Pilates workout in fifteen minutes. Plus, it’s small and fits easily in a cabinet or stowed neatly in a corner of your office.

Strengthen your core and ankles with the Balance Disc-Stability Wobble Cushion. You can even keep it in the office to help get some movement in during breaks. This cushion has non-slip grip, is latex-free, and measures 13” diameters. It even doubles as an office chair cushion to aid your lower back during long stretches of sitting.

Build core stability and have fun while you’re at it with the URBNFit Balance Board. It helps you undo the effects of hours of sitting by improving balance, engaging multiple muscle groups, and keeping you fit. The high-quality board is made of pine wood and fortified with non-slip tape. This fitness staple gives you a delightful workout so exercise can feel effortless. It’s also a great way to practice balance and strengthening for you if you’re a snowboarder or surfers, an extra bonus if you’re in the office instead of the snow or sand.

The URBNFit Exercise Ball is versatile and works well in the gym or the office. Made with rubber and can stand rigorous workouts, it comes with a mobile-friendly workout guide so you can start exercising right away. Use it as an occasional replacement for your office chair to get a core workout while being productive. It can handle up to 600 pounds of weight and is suited for all types of workouts.

Upgrade your gym workout with hip bands and add extra resistance to get maximum results. Keep these hip bands around the office to get a pick-me-up workout or take them to the gym to enhance your lower body exercises. Hip bands make your workouts more challenging and help you engage more muscle groups for optimal fitness.

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Make a difference in your office gym by selecting the right workout tools. You’ll get the workout you need while getting a caffeine-free boost during the work day. Even better, many workout essentials can be kept in the office for use between tasks. With regular workouts in tow, your day-to-day productivity increases, as does your overall quality of life.

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