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5 essential supplies for your gig or studio audio hookup

Certain essentials in a professional music set-up that make or break a gig. Sure, when lead guitar steps up for an epic solo, our ears tend to go there. But what makes that shredding possible—and crisply audible—is the back-end stuff: the long wires, the speakers, the amps, pedal boards and other kinds of audio equipment that make up the world behind the sound. So whether you’re a working musician or a passionate player, you know it’s easy to get lost in the craft, but it’s essential to make sure your set-up is complete. Here are five products to get you there.

Whether it’s thick-jacketed cable wiring, microphone mounts, or a pedal board kit with pancake style cables, the nuts and bolts of sound require a lot of gear. Writing and practicing is essential, but it’s impotant to remember: your gear wears down over time. If you’re a working musician or are looking to refresh your home or work studio with some affordable, decent gear, supplies like these will keep the sound coming clear.

5 accessories you need for your work phone
phone mount truck

For many of us, our phones are prized possessions. They have become extensions of our palms, and screen time has skyrocketed over the years. Smartphones created a way for people to connect through texts, social media, and Facetime. It can sometimes be challenging to imagine how we lived without them. These phones hold so much importance in our lives, so keeping these devices protected is more vital than ever. 

Many people have opted to separate work and personal with two different phones with so much information on these devices. We understand the importance of keeping your work phone safe and protected. We found five other products to contain and save your work phone, so it is always in optimal shape when work calls or emails come through. If your work phone is essential to you, or you know your boss would not be pleased to see it cracked, you have come to the right place. Get these five accessories for your work phone today.

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5 items sure to make your Zoom meetings more comfortable
the best headset with microphone

At the beginning of the pandemic, everyone was communicating via Zoom even though most of us weren't entirely familiar with that platform. Take the attorney that somehow managed to turn himself into an onscreen cat. Ah, memories. While it isn’t advisable to attend the monthly budget meeting looking like a cat, there are things you can do to enhance your at-home workspace making yourself more comfortable during those sometimes long, always important meetings. We have put together a list of suggestions sure to help.

People are spending more and more time working from home for a plethora of reasons. Between increased productivity, fewer distractions, less illness, and no commute companies are just finding it beneficial. With so many employees working from home, the need for communication is more important than ever, and Zoom meetings make talking face to face possible even if on a screen. These five items can help your Zoom meetings be more comfortable and successful, even if you’re only dressed in office attire from the waist up!

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5 beauty products to keep you looking your best for work
Smiling female intern

Okay, sure — we’d all probably prefer to work from home in our pajamas forever. But at some point, we all have to go back to the office, which means we all need to start wearing real pants again and actually… well, trying. The good news is, most employees feel far more productive when they show up for work looking ready to work. The bad news is, it does take a bit of effort to get back to looking one’s best after a year or two of working from home. To make that effort easier, here are five beauty products to keep you looking your best ahead of your return to the office.

Put your best face forward at the office this season with just a few handy tools and products. Whether your skin needs a deep hit of moisture or the rejuvenating effects of derma rolling, or you just need to clean up those eyebrows a bit, you can find a good solution for you on our list above. Who knows? You might just find that, once you look ready for the office, you feel ready for the office, too. 

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