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It’s now much easier for Canadians and Mexicans to get high-paying jobs in the U.S.

Canadian and Mexican citizens are now more easily able to secure U.S. technology jobs thanks to a new service that facilitates work visas. The affordable service helps small- and medium-sized businesses and startups attract and hire highly skilled workers for technology jobs with a single flat fee.

Boundless Immigration partners with RapidVisa to help individuals and employers navigate the complex U.S. immigration system and shorten the process of successfully securing a visa. The company also helps people apply for green cards and U.S. citizenship.

Filling a need

The North American work visa service offers a way for companies to more effectively match qualified job seekers with job openings, and fill shortages in more specialized jobs.

This service helps meet the outsized demand for skilled tech workers in the U.S. According to a report from New American Economy, an immigration research organization, only 85,000 H-1 B work visas are given out yearly. In 2020 alone, U.S.-based companies filed 371,641 foreign labor requests for computer jobs.

The number of computer and related technical job openings continues to rise, and comprised 69.6% of all foreign labor requests in fiscal 2020, according to the same report.

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NAFTA loophole

On the other hand, TN visas for nonimmigrant NAFTA professionals allow for a much greater number of Canadian and Mexican job admissions. The North American Free Trade Agreement took effect in 1994 and establishes special trade and economic relationships between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

To qualify for a TN temporary work visa, the applicant must apply for a NAFTA-approved job, which means the position requires a NAFTA-approved professional. There are certain categories of NAFTA jobs, including accountants, lawyers, engineers, scientists, pharmacists, and teachers.

According to a company press release, there is no cap on admissions for TN visas, which leads to more than 700,000 work visa-based admissions to the U.S. every year. Canadians receive TN1 visas and Mexicans TN2 visas. The application procedure is slightly different for each.

In addition to being Canadian or Mexican citizens, applicants must qualify for a NAFTA profession, be qualified for the position, and have a conditional job offer letter from the hiring employer. The letter will include specific details about the job and the duration of the employee’s stay. The official NAFTA job list above features minimum education and experience requirements.

TN visa may be granted for a maximum period of 3 years. Visas can be extended, or candidates may re-apply at a port of entry. The process for new and renewed visas will likely be faster and simpler if facilitated by Boundless Immigration, according to Xiao Wang, Boundless Immigration’s co-founder and chief executive. Wang says the company “enables companies to compete for North American tech talent without needing to retain expensive immigration attorneys.”

How it works

Boundless Immigration claims to process work visas for Canadian and Mexican workers in just 48 hours, drastically shortening a process that can take months at best. Its staff of immigration attorneys has deep experience with the U.S. immigration system and U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, and pushes visa applications to successful resolution.

After the hiring employers pays a $1,000 fee, Boundless Immigration starts by checking a candidate’s eligibility for admission to the U.S. Then, several immigration attorneys review the entire file and ensure that supporting documents meet government requirements.

The company submits a candidate profile to the employer, including the best job title, description, and NAFTA profession category. Once the employer has reviewed the candidate profile, Boundless Immigration then prepares and prints the entire application according to government requirements to the candidate may submit it to Customs and Border Patrol.

The service also prepares candidates for their in-person interview. Once the visa request is granted, the candidate is then able to start work in the U.S. within a week under the best circumstances.

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Tech solution

Boundless Immigration states that it combines immigration legal expertise with an efficient, proprietary technology solution that quickens the process and ensures success. The platform simplifies questions on the application forms and shortens the overall completion time for applicants and listing employers.

The platform may prove to be a game-changer in facilitating a smoother transition for thousands of tech workers who aim to secure a position in the U.S. And it may propel U.S. companies to more quickly fill positions with qualified workers.

Jennifer Lindahl
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Jennifer Lindahl is an experienced writer and editor with two decades of experience in journalism, public policy, and B2B…
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