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5 camping essentials for your next team building retreat

That dreaded email: there’s a mandatory work trip. You’ll either be elated or devastated to know that your essential travels are for team building rather than actual business, but you’re not alone if you find yourself unprepared for camping with your coworkers. If you’re not one of the folks who have outdoor gear at the ready, it’s time to go shopping.

Luckily, outdoor companies like Wise Owl carry more than enough camping gear and creature comforts to help you make it through your next (or even your first) company team-building retreat. Even better—they’re all available for purchase and delivery on Amazon! Just because your team-building retreat will be a lot of work doesn’t mean your packing has to be.

Remember, company camping trips don’t have to be uncomfortable and inconvenient. Even if you’re not the biggest fan of the great outdoors, you can absolutely make the best of it. Sure, it may take a few creature comforts to make the difference, but if it makes you happy—who cares! You should feel free to enjoy your weatherproof shelter and fancy camping towel to your heart’s content.

With your high-tech outdoor equipment at the ready, you’re sure to impress your coworkers, too. They’ll appreciate your preparation and dedication to the trip, while you enjoy staying warm, dry, and bug bite-free for the entire trip. You’re welcome!

Gabrielle LaFrank
Gabrielle LaFrank has written for sites such as Psych2Go, Elite Daily, and, currently, PawTracks. When she's not writing, you…
Bedding that will reinvigorate your days
wake up feeling great for work

You need to stay prepared and ready to present your best self wherever you go. This is true whether you are at work or anywhere else. However, a lack of sleep can prevent you from doing this. Those old and dingy bedding accessories you have now are yesterday’s news.

What you need is a whole new makeover. We have a plethora of bedding accessories ready for you, but let’s get you started with the following few below. Before you know it, you’ll be sleeping in comfort and fully rejuvenated for work. Learn of the coziest bedding below to begin.

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5 essential items for you and your children
home office baby friendly man working child

Is there a big meeting, unscheduled video call, or event coming up, and you want to make sure your beard's trimmed? Have you tried plucking unruly eyebrow hairs, but your tweezers are not doing the job? Do you want your children to look just as professional as you do at the next office party or gathering? Are you looking for deep cleansing but do not want to keep purchasing a cleanser and prefer something more eco-friendly? Or are the electric toothbrushes your children have starting to look a little worn down and in need of replacing? Below are five products that will have you and your children looking their best and staying hygienic.

Whether you are looking for a clippings catcher that will keep your counter and sink clean, have been trying to pluck that one hair, want your children to look gentlemanly, or care about deep cleansing and oral hygiene, these products will be perfect additions to your home. They will make trimming your beard faster and mess-free, effortlessly pluck difficult and ingrown hairs and splinters, get your children ready for formal events, deep cleanse even the most sensitive skin, and keep our children's oral health in check. No need to look any further; these items are waiting for you.

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Perfect bed sheets and covers to get you ready for the day
A woman holds a pillow while making the bed

No matter what you do for work, fatigue can be detrimental. Instead of fighting the sleepies with endless coffee and energy drinks, you can nip the problem in the bud by making sure you get the best night’s sleep possible—and it all starts with your bed.
Bedskirts and pillowcases can make a difference too, but the blankets that cover your bed are what truly create the experience. The feel of the materials can keep you cool and comfy, or they can envelop you in a warm embrace. Whatever you like, make sure the sheets, quilts, or duvets you invest in look and feel like, well…you.
Here are some of our favorite bed accessories to help keep you comfy while you sleep and alert while you’re awake.

Bedsheets, quilts, duvets—you really can’t go wrong with any one of these great bed covers. They all are made of some of the best fabrics available, which, with the right mindset and vibe, can make slumber just as comfortable as napping on a cloud.
No matter what bed accessories you’re in need of, you can be sure that Amazon has it. These five products, for example, are all available on that site—some with two-day shipping! It makes shopping for your bedroom as easy as ever, don’t you think?

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