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Make your company camping trip a breeze with these 5 items

Whether or not you’re looking forward to your company’s wilderness outing, you’ve got to be prepared. Not only will it keep you as safe as comfortable as possible during your trip, but it will show your coworkers, bosses, or employees just how prepared you can be.

To truly become one with Mother Nature, you’ll need to plan well past your camping basics. Tents, food, water, and sleeping bags aren’t often forgotten, but what about more luxurious accessories? You’ll need something to place under your sleeping bag so you’re not lying on a hard surface, for example. And if you bring a hammock—do you have all of the equipment it needs?

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These five camping essentials will take your company retreat a breeze—even if only for you.

As soft and warm as a sleeping bag can be, placing it directly on the floor of the tent won’t give you a good night’s sleep. Even if you are able to ignore the lumps and bumps in your back all night, you’re likely to wake up to some stiffness and soreness. Instead, try out Wise Owl’s Camping Pad, which is both lightweight and super comfy.

If you’re ready to literally elevate your coworker camping experience, why not try out a hammock? High-quality hammocks like this one from Wise Owl are tailor-made to help you recline and relax while out in the wild—all that’s left is to find the perfect spot. You won’t have to worry about tears, falling or fading either. With this hammock’s attached straps and reinforced seams, you’ll be all set to rest.

Hammocks are oh so comfy, but their material isn’t exactly made for warmth. Instead of layering up as much as possible while you’re enjoying your relaxing day swaying in the breeze, consider adding an underquilt for extra heat and cushion. The best thing about this underquilt is that it can be used on virtually any hammock—you don’t need to buy a matching set!

Yep, we’re going there. Relieving yourself while out in nature can be easier for men than women, especially when in the company of your coworkers. Once you’re able to find some privacy, ladies, the Pitch and Trek will make your bathroom trips faster and easier in every sort of way. Think of it as your own personal restroom funnel—just don’t forget the toilet paper!

Any outdoor overnight trip will need some lighting, and even though a campfire is great, trying to bring it with you won’t go well. Instead of wasting your phone battery using the flashlight, an LED flashlight like this one by GearLight will let you see where you’re going no matter where you are or how dark it gets. From tents to hikes and even dark cabins—you truly never know when you may need some light.

With any of these tools, no matter how simple, your company camping trip will be a lot more comfortable. Even if you’re sleeping on the ground under the stars, it’s times like these when the little things—like a comfortable spot to sleep and easy restroom access—truly mean the most.

When you feel good, you’ll be able to show up for yourself and your coworkers without sacrificing your sanity. Not only will you impress your fellow campers with your outdoor skill and preparedness, but you’ll also be rested, relaxed, and hopefully a bit more excited to spend some time with your coworkers while camping.

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Gabrielle LaFrank has written for sites such as Psych2Go, Elite Daily, and, currently, PawTracks. When she's not writing, you…
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