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How to invest in yourself when nobody else will

It’s hard to invest in yourself when nobody else will. To make it worse, if you have a difficult time asking for help, finding ways to care for yourself and advance your career becomes even more challenging. It can be painful and discouraging at times, but it doesn’t mean you should ever stop trying. In fact, the world needs resilient people who are willing to invest in personal development no matter how difficult it might seem on any given day.

There are many areas of personal development, which you could focus on, like your career, health, relationships, career, education, goals, and creative pursuits. However, it’s impossible to create a better life and expand your creativity if you don’t know how to invest in yourself.

Never fear, though. In this article, we’ll explore five ways to invest in yourself when nobody else is willing or able to do so.

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How to invest in yourself

Exercise regularly

It might seem counterintuitive, but exercising is an excellent way to invest in yourself. It truly is one of the best ways to make your life better. When you exercise regularly, you get a healthier body. Plus, regular exercise helps reduce stress levels and also boosts self-esteem.

For example, many scientific and academic sources, including the American Heart Association, National Institute on Aging, and Centers for Disease Control (CDC), have demonstrated that exercise can increase energy, productivity, brainpower, memory, creativity, and stress reduction. Plus, investing in self-care is the best way to lose weight, fight depression and anxiety, and improve your focus. In fact, it’s so beneficial that the Harvard Business Review states the benefits are so great that everyone should engage in it to the extent that it’s part of their job description!

Set goals

Setting goals can also be one of the ways we invest in ourselves. Setting a goal is an act that requires investment on behalf of oneself, with the explicit intention to improve or change something about yourself and your life.

Not just that, but setting goals helps you clarify your desires. Goal setting enables you to define what you want, rather than having vague aspirations or wishful thinking. There are many books and websites about the science and art of goal setting, including Michael Hyatt’s book, “Your Best Year Ever: a 5-Step Plan to Achieve Your Most Important Goals“.

Strengthen your current skills

Strengthening your current skills enhances the ways you contribute to society and helps others, too. There’s no doubt that you already know and use many skills, but are you an expert in the areas or skills you most depend on? You may not be, but it’s much easier to become an expert on a subject you are already knowledgeable about than in one you don’t know anything about.

On the other hand, if you don’t want to continue in the field you’re currently in, it’s best to assess which skills will be most effective for your future endeavors. Remember that solid communication skills, such as leadership, team building, and emotional intelligence, negotiation, business writing, public speaking, are helpful in just about any field you may wish to enter. You can also focus on building other highly valuable soft skills such as conflict management, time management, and persuasion skills.

Attend workshops and seminars

For a variety of reasons, conferences and workshops are great opportunities to invest in yourself. These events can help you expand your knowledge in a field or area that you are already proficient. Plus, they’re also great networking opportunities. It’s an excellent way for professionals to meet and chat with others in the industry. You may also find mentors who can help you advance your career.

You might also consider volunteering abroad through an organization such as Peace Corps if you’re looking to put something back into society. It’s the idea that by investing in helping others, you’re also helping yourself.

Keep a journal

It might seem like a strange way to invest in yourself. What good will writing in a journal each day do to improve your life? Well, the answer is that journaling is a great way to reflect and identify ways that you can grow. Daily journaling also forces you to be more self-reflective and helps with identifying ways in which you’re feeling the most fulfilled or happy, as well as ways in which your day is filled with stress or anxiety.

One of the most substantial benefits is that you can write out your thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental, safe space.

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Don’t get caught up in the rat race

As you probably know, it’s easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day rat race of life that sometimes you forget about or neglect yourself. There are also times, for various reasons, when others don’t feel comfortable investing in you. It’s at these moments when you need to double down on investing in yourself.

You can begin through self-care practices, changing your perspective on things you have control over versus those you don’t, and most importantly, by surrounding yourself with positivity rather than negativity. Ultimately, you can invest in yourself by making small, continuous improvements that will allow you to do more, love more, be better, grow more, and do more.

Will Blesch
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Will Blesch is a copywriter, content writer, and someone passionate about anything that lets him discover more about this…
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You need to stay prepared and ready to present your best self wherever you go. This is true whether you are at work or anywhere else. However, a lack of sleep can prevent you from doing this. Those old and dingy bedding accessories you have now are yesterday’s news.

What you need is a whole new makeover. We have a plethora of bedding accessories ready for you, but let’s get you started with the following few below. Before you know it, you’ll be sleeping in comfort and fully rejuvenated for work. Learn of the coziest bedding below to begin.

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Bedskirts and pillowcases can make a difference too, but the blankets that cover your bed are what truly create the experience. The feel of the materials can keep you cool and comfy, or they can envelop you in a warm embrace. Whatever you like, make sure the sheets, quilts, or duvets you invest in look and feel like, well…you.
Here are some of our favorite bed accessories to help keep you comfy while you sleep and alert while you’re awake.

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No matter what bed accessories you’re in need of, you can be sure that Amazon has it. These five products, for example, are all available on that site—some with two-day shipping! It makes shopping for your bedroom as easy as ever, don’t you think?

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Your bed is your special place. It should be peaceful, clean, and as comfortable as can be. You might think about updating your bedsheets, or giving your comforter a good clean, but it won’t matter if you’re dealing with something like dust mites or bed bugs.
Instead of waiting for the problem to happen before buying a mattress protector, invest in one now to prevent anything icky from happening in the first place. They guard against more than mites and bugs, too—neither allergens, bacteria, nor liquids will ever reach your mattress with one of these bad boys on. Talk about a peaceful sleep!

There are several helpful features of mattress protectors: it’s a barrier against liquid, can extend the life of your mattress, and even helps prevent allergies. It’s up to you to decide what’s most important for you, but you’ll be surprised to learn just how many mattress cases will check off all the boxes.
Remember not to be too concerned about how these products look on your bed, either; your normal sheets and decor can go right on top! Your sleeping space will be just as cute and comfy as ever, but you’ll know you're keeping everything clean and tidy, too.

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