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Groovy microphone cords and accessories for DJs and studio owners

The excitement! The anticipation! There’s nothing quite like the euphoria of live sound! There is some basic equipment you need for live sound to be as incredible as it’s meant to, microphone cables being one of the key components. Audio engineers rely on these cables and need to have a system in place to ensure superior sound and to make setup easy and hassle-free. Working with live sound requires a certain level of organizational know-how, including remembering to always have a few backup cords on hand and making sure the cables are stored properly when not in use. XLR cables, most often used for microphones, come in varying sizes and lengths and we’ve compiled a list for beginners to those who have been working with live sound for a while.

Whether you own a studio or work as a DJ, these mic cables and accessories can meet your needs. Do you require a set of short 2-foot cables or would a customizable 300-foot spool be better suited to your circumstances? Are you looking for adapters so you can alter cables you already have? From the stage to the studio and everything in between, these items are sure to have you covered!

Going fast: How to quickly write a business plan to start a food truck
Cheerful food truck owner

Food trucks are here to stay -- that much is clear. However, seeing food trucks on street corners with relatively cheap, yummy food was once thought to be merely a fad. Many thought the trend was one that would be here and gone. However, food-truck businesses have proven to have an unexpected staying power. In fact, today, the food-truck business is a multibillion-dollar industry.

However, getting started with your own food-truck company isn’t as simple as heading out, buying a truck, and then heading to your local wholesale food market for supplies. As with any new business, you need a plan that showcases your objectives and how you plan to reach short and long-term goals.

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How to finance a startup business
Cash flow projections meeting

Perhaps you feel you have an idea for a business that’s going to rock the world. You’re fired up, committed, and you’ve got a plan to disrupt a specific industry. You just know you’re going to be the next Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, or Richard Branson. That is, if you can get financing for your startup business.

You see, grabbing the cash to get your enterprise going can be more than a challenge, especially when other entrepreneurs are competing for the same funding in droves. As more than 80% of all would-be business owners contend for startup financing through lines of credit, bank loans, and credit cards, it’s harder than ever to find the money you need to get going.

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How to analyze sales data to optimize growth
Data-driven revenue graphic

Optimizing sales growth has never relied upon intuition or guesswork. Rather, data and facts rule the day when it comes to increasing sales and growing your business. However, you have to know how to analyze sales data in order to make the most informed, data-backed decisions possible.

Moreover, you need to conduct sales analyses on a regular basis. When you do, you’ll gain incredible intelligence on things like team performance and your sales strategy. When it comes to optimizing growth, sales analysis can provide an edge that you’d be foolish to dismiss.

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