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Audio cables for our music gig

Getting things set up for a new music venue can be troublesome. We have ended up needing different audio cables than what we have. Because we have a few new musicians sitting in on this set, we need to hook them up with our amplifiers. Also, since this gig is important, we really want to make sure that the equipment is flawless. That is what is really driving this. We know that making a good impression means that everything must go off without a hitch.

One way to remove a potential headache is to make sure we have all the audio cables fresh and new, and in the quantity we need. Here are some great choices.

This is a GLS straight ¼ inch to ¼ inch plug in connector. This will work for many applications including electrical instruments and also amplifiers, tuners, and mixers. This is well built and offers a super low 38 picofarads per foot, giving ultra clear sound. These are engineered with oxygen-free copper in both the center of the conductor and also the insulator shield.

This is a right angle to straight, yellow and brown, braided tweed cord by GLS. Having a variety of colors is a great idea for multiple instruments. This comes in a 6 foot to 20 foot length, allowing a selection for several applications. At 38 picofarads per foot, this low capacitance will create an ultra clear sound.

We will want these GLS Audio instrument cables for amplifiers, mixers, speakers, tuners, and all the musical equipment that has ¼ inch inlets. These come in 6 to 20 foot lengths, letting us choose the right cable for each situation. There is a choice of right angle for electric and bass guitars or straight for other uses. This has a super low capacitance of 38 picofarads per foot.

We also need to make sure the speakers are playing loud and clear. This 25 foot cord is 16 gauge, durable and rugged. It has professional construction and will withstand movement. The rubber jacket is 8.5mm making this a strong and stable connection.

This six pack of GLS Audio cables are heavy duty and flexible. They are color coded so things won’t get confusing on the mixing board. The female connector snaps into place and has a locking metal end to keep it in place. The internal tri-grip insures a balanced sound. It has an external rubber boot for double strain relief. The male connector has a locking metal chassis to secure the connector to the outlet. There is 25 feet of this flexible and durable cord, plenty for a large stage set up.

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With the choice of cords now solved we have this headache out of the way.  Now we can give our attention to all the other details for the upcoming gig.

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