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5 useful tools to round out a musician’s setup

Whether hobby or a profession, keeping a musical set-up in working order isn’t easy. There are a lot of component parts, regular maintenance, and a necessary investment in tools required to produce the best quality sound. Things also get damaged, go missing, or simply wear out over time. Fortunately, there are affordable, reliable supplies out there to keep your sound going. Whether you’re a passionate drummer who loses their sticks each gig, a horn player who needs to invest in a bit of maintenance, or if you just need help keeping the rhythm while you play, here are five grab bag musical supplies to round out your scene.

Whether you sing or play an instrument, this Microphone & Mic Clip from GLS Audio is a serious value buy. Whatever you’re using it for, musicians attest to the fact that it delivers high-quality sound, comparable to much more expensive gear. It won’t distort the tones of your instrument and works beautifully to mic your amp (so you can record or amplify instruments for a gig or livestream performance).

Here’s an easy back-up for an alto saxophonist, especially a newbie or beginner working with intermediate instruments. The 4C Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece comes with a nickel-plated ligature and cap, is easy to attach to your instrument, and at just under $10, it’s the kind of value replacement that’s easy to have on hand.

These are simple, and super cheap, back-up or replacement drumsticks that you might want to have on hand in several pairs. Especially useful for a beginner drummer getting used to impact levels, and affordable enough to replace in the event of chipping or breakage. Sixteen-inches long and sturdily shaped, they’re handy for both acoustic and electric drum kits.

A good metronome is a must-have for any practicing musician. This Cecilio Pendulum Metronome comes in clean white, with a downbeat bell and a clear cover and has a tempo range of Grave 40 bpm (beats per minute) to Prestissimo 208 bpm. A clockwork motor keeps the clicks going at precise intervals and the windup switch feature means there are no batteries required. At just 5-inches tall it’s an unobtrusive but essential addition for the practicing musician.

You’ve learned to play your trumpet. Now you have to clean it. Maintenance is an essential part of music, and the right cleaning kit can make all the difference in sound. This affordable Trumpet Cleaning Maintenance Care Kit from Cecilio includes a mouthpiece brush, bore snake, valve brush, valve oil, slide grease, and a polishing cloth, everything you need to keep the sounds coming bright and brash.

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Making music is a craft based on passion, but it requires a serious amount of back end stuff. There are products out there that can help the hobby- or working musician keep their sound in tip top shape. And while products like a cleaning kit, metronome, or mouthpiece don’t seem like the jazziest buys on their own, investing in the right equipment ensures you’ll produce the best quality sound, gig to gig.

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