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4 innovative thinking skills all business owners should have

In the world of business, innovative thinking skills are essential. With stiff competition and a changing landscape, entrepreneurs need to think outside the box and create innovative solutions that will help their business succeed. After all, there isn’t a business in the world that doesn’t want higher productivity and growth.

Consider the fact that the business giants of today like Toyota, Apple, and Tesla all have reached the pinnacle of success because their leadership understands critical thought and how to use it for innovation. They’re continually using innovative, critical thinking skills when developing new products.

So, the question is, what innovative thinking skills do you have? How many creative ideas can you come up with in two minutes? In this article, we’ll discuss four innovative thinking skills that all business owners should have.

Innovative thinking book
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What is innovative thinking?

Of course, thinking is all about the process of using your mind to consider something. However, innovative thinking is all about using thought in new and exciting ways. It’s about refusing to settle for “the way things have always been done.” Although it sounds cliché, it’s “out of the box.”

Through innovative, critical thought, a business owner can push the envelope, engage in change and be more aggressive when it comes to market competition. With new ideas and creativity, innovative leaders can spur rapid growth throughout their entire organization.

This is accomplished by finding solutions, making decisions, or improving situations within the organization’s processes.

Four innovative thinking skills all business owners should have

Problem analysis

No organization is immune to problems arising from time to time. When challenges pop up, it’s up to the business owner or executive team to find solutions. With that in mind, innovative critical thinking skills are vital to successfully overcoming whatever issue the organization faces.

A good leader uses interpretive skills and the ability to analyze situations to understand the complexities of problems and then find new, more effective, and efficient means of addressing them.

Evaluating alternatives

Business owners need to think creatively and critically when it comes to evaluating alternatives and options. By way of example, a business owner’s innovative thinking skills can be applied to any number of situations, such as when a supplier drops out, and the company is looking for an alternative who can provide the same quality or better at a lower cost.

Innovation also comes into play when dealing with changes in market dynamics that require new products or services. It might even prove helpful if competitors are offering cheaper goods than what your organization provides, although this may not always be welcome news.

Precise contexts

Suppose you’re a business leader who wishes to be as effective as possible. In that case, you need to see the precise context in which company policies, regulations, and directives will play out. It’s essential to be able to see logical consequences and anticipate outcomes. Then, one must be able to use innovative thought find ways to use that kind of deductive reasoning to your advantage.

Ambiguous contexts

Successful business owners also know how to engage in inductive and inferential reasoning. When the situation is ambiguous, the problem isn’t cut and dry, and there are strong elements of risk, you need to be able to use innovative thinking skills to find solutions.

To illustrate this point, consider that you might need innovative thinking skills to see how a change in the market could affect your company. You might also need innovative critical thinking skills if a competitor seems to come out of nowhere and appears to be selling the exact same thing you are … but they’re beating you in sales.

Using innovative, critical thought, you can examine the situation and infer that the competition is doing something to stand out in the customer’s mind. You can further reason that whatever that something is, you’re not doing it. Thus, the competition has an advantage, and that’s why they’re beating you in sales.

Bonus: Quantitative contexts

We know we said four skills, but after further thought, we decided to throw in a fifth skill you should have. Business owners must be able to demonstrate the ability to evaluate information, which is presented as numerical data in various formats. By thinking outside the box, innovative thinkers can use that information to develop ideal solutions to problems.

For instance, the innovative thinker allows himself to think differently from the status quo by first considering the obvious. Second, he then considers all of the numerical data related to a particular problem and how it can be used as an advantage or disadvantage in some way. Third, he connects dots between different pieces of information to come up with ideas that no one else has had before.

Young man thinking innovatively
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You need to think critically

The main thing you should recall is that you must be able to act with confidence as a business owner. You should be able to solve problems, be collaborative, and make sound decisions. To do that, you’ll need innovative, critical thinking skills to evaluate options, prioritize goals, anticipate risks, and overcome problems.

Moreover, you’ll need those very same innovating thinking skills to develop new products or services or upgrade and improve upon existing ones. You can be sure that the competitors you see succeeding in the marketplace have these skills and use them effectively. You should, too.

Will Blesch
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Will Blesch is a copywriter, content writer, and someone passionate about anything that lets him discover more about this…
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