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Adorable baby socks perfect for employees expecting a child

Becoming a parent or having another child can be an exciting and sometimes scary time for an employee. On top of the anticipation of caring for a brand new human, it’s not uncommon to wonder how a bundle of joy will affect work schedules or what they’ll miss while away on parental leave.

Sometimes, an employer can put these worries to rest with just a small show of support. One way is to share their excitement by giving them a sweet baby gift before the due date arrives. These adorable socks are not only practical but also show you’re thinking of your employee’s little one and wishing the best for the whole family.

You can’t go wrong with treating your expectant employee to socks for their incoming little one. They’ll serve as a gentle reminder that you care while they’re on parental leave. Every time their wee darling scoots across the floor, takes a few shaky steps, or does that unmistakable toddler dance — they’ll know you’ve got their back.

Use these for an awesome team-building paint party
the best paint buckets bucket

Need a fun team building exercise for your workplace? You don't have to have boring office parties for team building, try a boozy painting party instead! Teams of all sizes can enjoy painting and drinking together. You don't have to be a Picasso (or even a finger painter!) to lead a successful team event. Painting parties are about creating FUN art, not fine art. With the relaxed environment and silly creativity, it's easy to connect with your team. Plan your next team building event with these five essential supplies.

Tired of the same old team building events? Try something new and different with a boozy paint party! With these five supplies and some creativity, you can host the ultimate office party. So gather up your team, uncork that bottle of wine, and get ready to bond.  It might turn into the team’s favorite recurring happy hour activity!

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Team building games for office parties
Coworkers high five outdoors after doing a team building exercise

Office parties are a great chance to play team building games. While pursuing these lighthearted pastimes we are also reinforcing team cohesion. It is a chance for everyone to let off a little steam and relax with one another, instead of being in the flow of the normal workday. The best assortment of games will have something for everyone, whether they like to be physically active or prefer milder activities.

Here is an assortment of games and gadgets that will turn a team party into a team building endeavor.

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Creative ideas for the office break room
the best room divider screens

Getting creative with the office break room is important in these modern times. Gone are the days when all the break room needed to offer was a coffee maker. Now for employee health and creativity, a break room needs to have more. Taking frequent breaks can reduce stress and fatigue.  Once an employee is refreshed, this can stimulate greater productivity.  We already have the space and with a few changes we can repurpose the area into an office productivity lounge.

Here are some great ideas to outfit the office break room and help our employees recharge.

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