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Why mindset matters in business and how to master it

Did you know there is more than one type of mindset? According to behavioral psychologist Carol Dweck, you can either have a growth or a fixed mindset. She breaks down these mindsets in-depth in her book in greater depth. But before you learn about different types of mindsets, let’s discuss why mindset in business truly matters.

You’ll find all sorts of advantages as a business leader and personally if you prioritize a particular mindset. And once you understand these benefits, you’ll learn how to master your mindset and apply these benefits to your business. Read on to learn what you (and your business) gain from developing your mindset.

Clear vision and purpose

One of the biggest indicators of success for a business is a clear vision of what your company stands for. You may have heard of a statement of purpose or vision before. Any organization beginning with a well-developed business plan begins with a clear vision.

You may not formally write out a mission, values, or purpose, but clarity is important for any leader’s mind. Without a precise idea of why you began your business, you diminish its growth potential. Innovation and expansion are more challenging when unclear reasoning for your goods or services remains.

Getting clarity

If you feel unclear about your business mission, values, goals, purpose, etc., it’s time to brainstorm. Write out why you started the business, what motivates you to get work daily, and your future dreams. Thinking about yesterday, today, and tomorrow can provide the clarity needed to master your mindset as a business owner.

You may find working with others helps you find clarity, too. If you already work with a team, tap into their experience working with you. Finding clarity as a business leader doesn’t have to happen alone.

Challenges and opportunities

It’s hard to see challenges and obstacles to your business as opportunities. But if you’re wondering how to master your mindset, you need to change how you see difficulty. One of the clearest signs of a true leader is how you approach adversity.

Instead of seeing hardships as obstacles, shifting your mindset can help you see them as opportunities. You can shift your perspective in several ways. Embracing challenges helps you and your business grow.

Focus on achievable goals

Mastering your mindset in business starts with a vision and is carried out through achievable goals. There are many ways to include goal-setting as part of your leadership. It might include goals related to performance, growth, or some other metric.

There are tons of goal-setting strategies you can explore, too. SMART goals use a reliable framework so any goals you set are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. If you start small, setting even bigger goals is more achievable, too.

Building habits and discipline

The best way to find your purpose as a business leader, set goals, and overcome obstacles involves two thing: habits and discipline. You can’t own, let alone manage or run a business without them. Starting a business already requires a fair amount of discipline, but this can degrade over time from burnout and ambitious expectations.

Cultivating the discipline to build strong habits takes effort and time. The right mindset in business doesn’t happen overnight, anymore than starting a business does. You can’t build a mindset that matters if you don’t put in the hard work along the way.

How to master your mindset

Building habits and discipline, goal-setting, clear vision, and problem-solving all impact your mindset. But achieving any of these things means mastering your mindset. And finding the best mindset in business means asking yourself the right questions, too.

  • How am I showing up daily for my team?
  • What’s my attitude?
  • Am I leading by example?
  • Are like-minded person in my life?
  • How long will I hold onto negative feelings?

Self-evaluation and examination can put you on the path towards a growth mindset. Looking at your leadership on a personal level can answer questions you might have about your professional role. Actively putting success, growth, and positivity at the forefront of your mind is the first step to master.

Taking small steps to adjust your attitude make it easier for employees and teammates to follow your lead. A strong mindset involves clarity, which you’ll find working with like-minded people. Part of your reflection means looking at who you work with (and who you want to work with, too).

Amanda Hoyer
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Degreed in Psychology and English, Amanda fell into copywriting and blogging when she discovered an innate gift for narrative…
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