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How to write a roofing business plan

It’s no secret the roofing industry is a necessary and in-demand type of industry. Companies and residents will have regular roofing needs for their homes and business. For this reason, many in the industry strive to go into business for themselves. A roofing business plan should be an integral part of your business model if you want to see your roofing business thrive. 

Developing a well-laid business plan will also help you secure financing and potential investors and set your business up for greater long-term success. Think about this like this; if a building cannot stand alone without its foundation, then your business cannot stand without a well-calculated business plan. In this regard, here are some essential steps on how to write a roofing business plan that can set your business up for better success.

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Determine your target market

A fundamental piece of your business plan is that you will need to determine your target market, customer base, and where the market area is located. Researching and choosing your target market will be the key that will not only set you up for better long-term success but also set you apart from your competitors. Let’s consider a few components that you will need to approach to determine your target market. 

  • What are the roofing trends in your market area?
  • What are the common types of roofing services in demand in your target market?
  • Who are your potential competitors in your target market? 
  • Who is your client base within your target market area? 

Ensuring you do your proper market research to determine your target market for your roofing business can provide more potential opportunities for investors in your industry. It can also provide you with a better idea of the possible success of your roofing business and the competitors within that market. 

Establish what type of services will you offer

To understand what type of services your business should offer, you should ask yourself if you want to provide roofing repair and replace services or additional services such as gutter cleaning and servicing. Another idea to consider in your roofing business is the concept that this type of business can be a seasonal industry. This indicates you will see an influx of business in the warmer months and a potentially significant decrease in cooler months. Additionally, your business flow for your roofing business can also be highly dependent on your geographic location. 

For example, if you live in a warmer year-round climate, you may see more steady business throughout the year. The reverse of this is if you reside in a market that sees greater seasonal transitions, then your business will be busier in warmer months and more stagnant in cooler months. Therefore, you will need to address and consider these concepts in your business plan by establishing all services your business will offer.

Develop your pricing structure

Determining your target market and established the services that you intend to offer for your roofing business will help you evolve your pricing structure and profitability as part of your business. The reasoning behind having these two concepts already established before you look toward your pricing structure is that your target market and the services you intend to offer will drive the pricing structure for your roofing business. Here are some instances of what to price for your roofing business:

  • Estimates
  • Roof Cleaning
  • Gutter services
  • Roof Repair
  • Roof Replacement
  • Full Roof Replacement

Formulate your business expenses 

You will want to research and gather an expense breakdown of costs you will need for your roofing business and include this as part of your business plan. The amount and type of expense can differ depending on your market area, therefore, you want to conduct proper research to allocate accordingly. Let’s consider some items you will need to designate business expenses for and secure financing options for those expenses:

  • Any federal and state filing fees for registering your business
  • Employees you hire and any benefits your company will cover
  • Insurance premiums are required, such as liability insurance and workers’ compensation
  • Materials and equipment as well as the space to store and transportation for them

Developing and writing your roofing business plan should be seen as a roadmap for running your business. Ideally, companies that see more significant long-term success have developed and written well-thought-out plans for their business. In addition, if you want to locate quality investors or financing opportunities for your business, comprehensive business plans can see greater investment potentials. Striving for longevity and success in your roof business will be achieved with these steps in writing your business plan.

Amanda Scheldt
Amanda is a self employed content writer with a diverse and multifaceted niche background. After over a decade in the…
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