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Child-friendly instruments for the on-site child care center at work

On-site child care is beneficial to everyone involved – the children, the employees, and the company itself. On-site child care is a perk that makes working outside of the home when you have little ones easier. Less than 10% of companies offer that perk but for the ones that do, the benefits are enormous. If you want a company full of great employees, then investing in them and their needs is a critical component. A company that offers this perk is more desirable than one that does not for a plethora of reasons. On-site child care reduces tardiness and absenteeism, improves productivity, and makes employees feel valued. This allows employees a healthy balance between work and home life and is advantageous to all.

We’ve put together a list of child-friendly instruments to add to the child care center at your office that the kids will love. Some are for wee little ones, and some for kids that are a little older. These instruments are sure to add dancing, joy, and laughter to the kiddos’ day while mom and dad are at work. After all, what could be more fun than a dance party at the office?

When your company is one that offers on-site child care, you will be sought after by top talent. People are more likely to prosper when they feel valued, and for many working parents, knowing that their little ones are safe in the same building as them during the workday is a benefit unlike any other. If the child care center is fun, kids will want to return again and again. Happy kids = happy parents = happy employees! 

How your cleaning service can get repeat customers fast
Man cleaning a floor

To grow your company, you're going to need repeat customers. There are a few different ways to attract and acquire customers. However, it will be hard to grow your company if you only get a customer one time, and that individual never purchases from you again. As the famous marketer Jay Abraham is fond of pointing out, there are only three ways to increase revenue and grow your business:

Increase the number of people who buy from you
Increase the number of times people buy from you
Increase your prices

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Pool-service advertising ideas for under $1,000

If you’re in the pool-service business, then you want more business. To do that, you’re going to need more customers. Moreover, you don’t want just anyone trying to retain your services. You want people who have a need you can fulfill and who are willing to pay the price you’ve set. However, that’s easier said than done.

How do you go about pool-service marketing in the right way? What kind of swimming-pool advertisements should you put out? Suppose you’ve asked yourself these kinds of questions. In that case, you’re in luck because we’re going to lay out some pool-service advertising ideas we think you’ll appreciate.

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How to open a gym and capitalize on the MMA craze
Female MMA fighter training

The mixed martial arts (MMA) market has skyrocketed over the last few years. MMA's popularity stands at third place worldwide; it only lags behind basketball and soccer. If you want to start a gym business, you just about can't go wrong by holding MMA classes and designing it to accommodate MMA practices.

Due to MMA's coverage in popular culture, its fan base is colossal, and there's definitely money to be made. So, if you've wondered how to open your own gym, you're in the right place.

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