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Boost office productivity by learning a musical instrument

We are always looking for ways to boost our productivity in the office. Working longer hours might seem to be key, but actually, studies have shown we need the right mix of relaxation and work in order to be the most productive. A novel idea to increase productivity is to challenge our brain by learning a musical instrument. Such an an endeavor requires persistence and practice, two things good to work on for any business success. There is also stimulation to our brain’s abilities when we learn to play. All this combined together can mean a strong increase in our relaxation, mental stimulation, and enjoyment of life as well as increasing our ability to think clearly.  Enhancing all these qualities can bring additional increases in our office productivity.

The viola is a great instrument to learn. With determination we can not only enhance our own mental abilities but soon be able to entertain others with our playing, an added benefit to satisfaction in life.

Investing the time in learning a musical instrument can reward us with greater mental clarity and hone our concentration abilities. Along with its potential for increasing relaxation and reducing stress, this is a choice we can support for its positive potential benefit to productivity.

Get your child ready for day care with these 5 items
home office baby friendly man working child

It’s about that time for your kid to go to day care. This is the perfect solution whether you’re ready for your kid to get off your nerves and out of your house or you just need someone to watch them while you’re at work. But, it can be challenging to free your children, especially without the right items.

Thankfully, you won’t have to worry about your child being ill-equipped when they walk through those doors with our help. We have the perfect items to ensure your child’s stay at the day care is not only safe but the best. With the following items, you’ll feel a lot more secure.

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Gifts for your coworker who just got a new car
best gifts for a construction worker adult with yellow helmet and plaid shirt next to

A few weeks ago, your coworker's car was declared beyond repair. It has been so tough on them – bumming rides to the office and grabbing an Uber when no one was available to help. What a pain! They have actively been checking, and finally found the perfect ride – a canary yellow midsized beauty, with four doors and a spacious trunk. 

Getting a new car is so exciting! There are perfect gift ideas on this list to show your coworker how happy you are for them.

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Adorable baby socks perfect for employees expecting a child
Young remote worker and baby

Becoming a parent or having another child can be an exciting and sometimes scary time for an employee. On top of the anticipation of caring for a brand new human, it's not uncommon to wonder how a bundle of joy will affect work schedules or what they'll miss while away on parental leave.

Sometimes, an employer can put these worries to rest with just a small show of support. One way is to share their excitement by giving them a sweet baby gift before the due date arrives. These adorable socks are not only practical but also show you're thinking of your employee's little one and wishing the best for the whole family.

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