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Supplies to keep in the company car

Cars are a great value to businesses of all types. From trucks needed for construction to sales people driving around to clients, vehicles are important for productivity. But if something happens to the company car, it can cause delays and cost money. With a few supplies, you can avoid some of the minor inconveniences that can make doing business more difficult.

This list includes some supplies that are beneficial whether drivers are sharing a company vehicle or you are using your own car to do business throughout the day. A few items to keep things clean and organized ensure that you can make a good impression on clients, and some of them are about avoiding costly issues.

When your work requires you to be on time and organized, these supplies can help in a pinch. They are all small and low-cost, but they can make things a lot easier and more convenient when you are commuting, visiting clients, or getting to a worksite.

These items can help you avoid issues like tire pressure problems or running out of cell phone battery and losing access to your directions app. They can help you keep the car tidy in case you need to take the client along with you, and in the end they can add some peace of mind to the problems that can confront you when you work on the go.

What are the best gifts to give construction workers?
best gifts for a construction worker adult with yellow helmet and plaid shirt next to

Plenty of people believe that the holiday season and work milestones are the only suitable conditions to give gifts to employees, but that is not necessarily true. The act of gift-giving can be personal and show the people on your team how much you appreciate them year-round. Gifts designed particularly for the receiving party or that provide use in everyday life tend to be more meaningful and appreciated. 

The same sentiment can be applied to the construction workers on your team. They work laboriously and face extreme circumstances in their work environment, thus rewarding them with gifts that show you appreciate them and making it more personalized will make them feel like a valued member of the team. Let's construct some concepts around the variety of gifts to reward your construction team year-round. 

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How to keep pigeons off your roof
Pigeons flying off of a roof

Pigeons are a problem for many property and business owners. Getting rid of them isn't up to the city, and not all landlords will take care of them, either. Whether you rent, lease, or own a property, too many pigeons are an issue.
Some believe killing pigeons is the best way to eliminate these pests and deter further nesting, but that's not necessarily true. Here's a list of some problems that come with nesting pigeons on your roof:

Food contamination
Slip and fall risk
Corrosive damage
Blocked gutters and drainage
Fire risk

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The best construction work clothes built for durability
Worker wearing a tool belt

Having the right clothes is just as important as having the right tools when it comes to construction work. You want comfortable clothes that don’t hinder your range of motion and help protect you from potential workplace hazards. We all know that clothing is no substitution for construction PPE. Yet, some construction work clothes are made with OSHA safety standards in mind and can help comply.

One thing that really grinds anyone’s gears is construction work clothes that aren’t made to last. There’s nothing more frustrating than the inseam tearing on a pair of pants you’ve had for only a few months. Really great construction worker clothes last at least a few years. Depending on your job, you might wear them out sooner, or you might get 10 years of use. There’s no guarantee how long a set of clothes will last, but if you go with one of these brands, you should get a good two to three years of use out of them. Not only that, you’ll be comfortable and look great.

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