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How a small-business owner can (and should) use Facebook to grow their business

Small-business owners are inundated with article after article suggesting this or that marketing method. Don’t you know you should be using Google Ads? No, wait! You should be engaging in search engine optimization and content marketing. Maybe influencer marketing on YouTube or Instagram?

Which way do you turn, and what marketing method should you be using if you want to grow your business? Well, the truth is that there are many effective methods. Each one just mentioned could benefit your company. With that said, it’s a wise decision to pick just one method, test it out, and see what kind of return on your investment you receive.

It’s not a smart move to spread yourself thin when it comes to either finances or time. That’s why this article is dedicated to showing you how to grow your business on Facebook. The platform prides itself on the fact that it’s got over 2.45 billion users, which means your target audience is likely hanging out somewhere on it. That’s true even if you’re a B2B company — Facebook and its subsidiaries have over 90 million small-business profiles on them.

Given the above, let’s dive into how you can boost your business with Facebook.

Woman Typing Notebook Computer
Photo by Kaboompics .com/Pexels

First, create a business page

If you’ve already got a Facebook business page, good for you! You can skim on down a bit. However, if you don’t have one, you need to make one. Don’t confuse your private Facebook profile with a Facebook Business page. They’re not the same thing. Business pages are for small businesses and brands, and you have to make a Business page separately.

The process is super simple, so we’re not going too in-depth on the “how-to” here. Simply do the following:

  • Sign up and register your page
  • Add photos
  • Create a username
  • Customize your page with a description of your company
  • Expand on your company info with a background, origin story
  • Create your first Facebook post

Now, moving on, let’s get into the best way to promote business on Facebook.

You need to post regularly

If you want to advertise your business on Facebook effectively, you’ve got to post regularly. You can’t put up random posts and expect any kind of positive return on investment (ROI) on the time you spend on the platform. A rule of thumb is to ensure that you post at least once per day. You need to give your audience a chance to find you, relate to you, and engage with you.

However, it’s not enough to simply have a posting schedule. You need to pay attention to the quality of your posts. You should be sharing insider info, behind-the-scenes stuff that can make you seem more human and approachable. You want your audience to connect with you on an emotional level.

That leads us to …

Engage your followers

Facebook’s algorithm is changing all the time. However, over time it has begun to favor posts that have lots of engagement. That means posts that have many comments and conversations back and forth between the company and its customers. You should be trying to create discussions on your page as often as possible.

The best way to get a conversation started is to post something worth talking about. Base your posts off company news, cool things you’re doing, planning, or on relevant events occurring in your community. Be friendly and stay away from negativity. Actively ask people to follow your page, like your comments, and respond with their thoughts.

Start using Facebook ads

Facebook’s organic reach has notoriously dropped. That means your posts won’t reach even your own followers in the way they once might have. To counteract that limitation, many small businesses are using Facebook ads. You can promote your posts without having to go through an in-depth Facebook ads course.

When you boost or promote a post, you can reach a much larger, targeted audience, and you can set your own budget. Plus, you can use Facebook’s analytics to see what kind of posts perform better and then tailor your content so that you’re putting out more of what works.

Begin using Facebook Groups

Another great way to promote your business on Facebook is to start a group. You can then start building a community around your brand. Groups can be related to your business, your products, your services, or all of the above. You can use them in conjunction with your Facebook page to engage with the people who are most likely to buy from you.


Making the most of Facebook

When it comes to growing your business on Facebook, you need to keep all the platform’s options in mind. For example, in addition to having a business page, posting regularly, engaging your followers on that page, boosting posts through Facebook ads, and using Groups, you can also do the following:

  • Use Facebook Live (connect and engage with your audience through live video streams)
  • Upload branded videos to Facebook Videos
  • Use Facebook Stories
  • Use a Call To Action (CTA) button
  • Use Facebook Messenger

Remember that creating a Facebook marketing plan is a good idea, just as having a marketing plan for your overall marketing efforts is wise. Facebook can be one of the best ways to promote your business if you take advantage of all the platform’s offerings.

Will Blesch
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Will Blesch is a copywriter, content writer, and someone passionate about anything that lets him discover more about this…
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