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5 air filter replacement packs for purer home or office air

Now more than ever, air purifiers and filtration systems are among the essential equipment for a hygienically optimized home or work space. And while installing air filtration systems is a huge step to living or working in a healthier environment, that system is only as good as its filters. Fortunately, filter replacements come in value-packs. With these five air filter replacement options, you’ll be able to breathe easier knowing your equipment is working at optimal levels.

Remember, air filters need replacement on a regular basis, not because they’re poorly made but because the nature of filtration means they accrue lots of particulate junk. When purchasing air filter replacements, you’ll want to pay attention to particulate matter size (what can they capture?) and installation requirements. But as long as you buy the right filter for your set-up, simply replace your filters regularly to ensure the cleanest air for your home or office environment.

5 stylish pieces for your office makeover
Office set up for a meeting

Is your office lounge area in need of some TLC? Are employees avoiding the break room and congregating around their desks instead? If so, maybe it’s time to upgrade your office recreation space. Give your office the polished, finished look it deserves with these five stylish items. Adding a touch of elegance to your workspace doesn't have to be costly with these sophisticated and affordable items.

Is your office space is in need of an upgrade ? Add a touch of luxury to the office lounge area or community break room with these five stylish furniture and decor accents. They are stylish and functional, so you can get more done and enjoy the process. With the right pieces, you can add elegance and personality to your workspace while sticking to the budget. 

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5 technological upgrades to elevate any office
Office with shades

Is your office feeling a little drab? We've put together five of our favorite gadgets that'll upgrade an office space with little to no effort. Impress your bosses and coworkers with these small details that you may have never thought of before. Step into the world of technology and create a more inspiring work environment for everyone.

You don’t have to be a tech-head to understand these simple, yet life-changing gadgets. To elevate any office, it’s best to start with the fun details that often get overlooked. Take advantage of technology wherever you can. You don’t need the fanciest new technology to create the most accommodating workspace. If you feel inspired, start here and work your way up. Who knows, maybe you'll eventually have a robot zooming around fulfilling admin duties. For now, this is a great place to start for any professional.

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5 things your at-home small business needs
small space for office at home

Starting your own business can be a daunting task - particularly if it's a one-person operation. When you’re the boss and sole employee, it’s vital that things run smoothly so you can maximize the time you spend working and get as much out of your business as you put in. Having an all in one business space is a challenge, but we have several products that can really help to lighten the load. When your workspace is in your home, it's important to have everything that you need to succeed readily available, and it can be hard to know exactly what you will need until you need it - these five products are a great start.

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been running your own business from home for years, these products are sure you bring some much-needed comfort and style into your workweek, whether you’re jotting down notes on the go, packing up shipments, or sitting down to have some tea and post on social media about a special sale or promotion. It’s vital for small business owners to streamline their processes and make their workdays flow as smoothly as possible. These office essentials are sure to improve the flow of your workspace and revitalize the way you work in your home office.  

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