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5 Clutch items for commuters heading back to the office

After nearly two years of working from home, you may be headed back to the office. It’s natural to have mixed emotions. You may be excited to see your staff in person instead of over Zoom. You no longer have to deal with shoddy Internet connections or asking someone to mute because their cat is meowing loudly in the background.

That said, you may not be pumped about the drive. You got used to walking 100 yards from your bed to the home office. Driving to and from work can also do a number on your car, and the last stressor you need is an auto-related issue holding you up from an important business meeting. A few products can make your drive safer, more comfortable, and come in clutch if something goes wrong. Here’s what commuters should keep in their car.

In-office workdays are here again, and that likely means the return of your morning and evening drive. You likely don’t want car problems added to your daily itinerary. As a businessperson, you have enough to worry about, from revenue to operations and staff. Make life easier by having a few necessities in your car. Sun visors and dashboard covers protect your vehicle and eyes from the heat and daylight. Other items, like a pump and funnel, come in clutch if you have a breakdown, and a charger adapter ensures you show up to work ready to nail your next sales call.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
Unique gift exchange ideas for the office party
serving platters office party man woman

Office gift exchanges can be intimidating at times - particularly if you're in a new position, or at a new company. While we all enjoy giving gifts, there's no denying that a certain amount of stress can accompany the gift shopping process. It can be hard to know what to get a coworker - harder still if the gift exchange is one where the recipient isn't set and the gift must be suitable for any coworker who happens to pick it during your party game of choice. We've put together this helpful guide of unexpected items that can fill a need, spark creativity, or simply make their day-to-day easier.

No matter who ends up taking home the gift you brought to the office gift exchange, you want to make sure it's something that they'll be happy to receive. Haven't we all come away from a work party or function with a prize or gift we weren't sure what to do with, only to donate or sell it later? We're confident that any of these gifts would be a great choice, from gadgets to entertain and spark creativity to more practical items that will help to make their lives outside of the office run more smoothly, you can be sure your contribution will be unique and appreciated.

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Useful items to have around the workplace
a modern office.

Is your office space in need of a fast-charging, durable USB charger capable of supporting standard and newer devices? Are you looking for simple ways to add lights and music to set the tone for your next company party or gathering? Keep the health and safety of employees in check with a high-quality forehead thermometer, and treat elbow pain with a comfortable, well-made muscle release wrap. Have a heavy-duty generator power cord on standby for potential power failures or work trips. Here are five great items to have around the workplace.

These items will be perfect additions to any workplace. They will ensure that devices remain fully charged, create the right ambiance for any social work setting, bring the health and safety of employees front and center, minimize pain, and provide power in unexpected situations. Not only will your workplace be equipped with products that are useful for daily tasks at the office, but they will aid in entertainment for work gatherings and have you prepared should a power emergency arise.

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Spice up the office breakroom with these items
morning habits leaders coffee break at workplace  woman typing on laptop and holding

An office breakroom is more than a place for employees to grab a cup of coffee. The best breakrooms offer a little bit of an oasis from the office stress, so that employees can take some time for themselves, enjoy food or drink, and then go back to work in a more productive and energized way. If a business sets up the breakroom right, it can lead to better employee satisfaction and productivity.

To truly give employees a break, consider making your breakroom more cozy and like home. These products can easily up the decor a touch to bring that homey feel, and at the same time they have the functionality to protect the floors and tables from spills. A couple of storage containers can help too, so we added some of those to the list as well. With these items, the breakroom can be a better place to eat a snack and then feel invigorated to get back to work.

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