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Books that aren’t about business that can still help you succeed

Success exists in and outside of business. When you consider paths to growth and development, you move closer to succeeding as a leader and business owner. But finding the right resources to master your mindset proves challenging.

How do you know what books for business success will serve you as a leader and owner? Some books are industry-specific and only support your success, specifically in business. With small businesses, finding a path to success outside your company is even more important. You can’t afford to spend precious time only growing as a business leader.

You need (and deserve) to experience success in your personal and professional life. One of the biggest benefits of owning your own business is growing with your brand. The best way to find success in business is to cultivate your skills and abilities.

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Business success Books

“Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Steven R. Covey

A classic for those seeking to improve their discipline, proactivity, and habits, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” uses basic psychology and mindset to cultivate effectiveness. It will guide you through basic habits and simple steps to make them a part of any aspect of life.

You’ll find the habits mentioned in this book critical to business and personal success. Wherever you are in age and accomplishment, you can learn from any of the seven habits Covey mentions.

“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck

If you’re worried about mastering your mindset (in and outside of business), you should check out Dweck’s “Mindset.” This book breaks down the differences between fixed and growth mindsets. It teaches you how these mindsets develop.

You’ll also learn how to cultivate a growth mindset. Shifting to a mental space of growth is a sure path to success. Soon enough, inspiration for innovative solutions could be a daily part of your routine.

“How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie

A clear path to success isn’t traveled alone. Dale Carnegie’s guide to influence and friendship is about cultivating deep, valuable relationships. This book is a hallmark of business success books because of its wide applicability.

You’ll find this helpful in your personal life, as well as networking with clients and potential business partners. Carnegie’s guide remains one of the most prominent guides to success since its publication in 1936.

“Outliers: The Story of Success” by Malcolm Gladwell

If you want a steady stream of inspiration across industries, check out Gladwell’s “Outliers.” As a psychologist, he examines the mindsets and motivations of one-of-a-kind industry leaders. You’ll find strong habits are only one part of success.

Living out the seven habits is only the beginning of success. Taking your life and your business from average to extraordinary takes time and unique ideas. Check out this book for some real-life examples.

“The Magic of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz

If you feel like you think “too small” or are boxed in by burnout and constant crunch mode, this is the book for you. Schwartz offers inspiration and motivation for many parts of your life. This book offers practical solutions to create a bigger and better life for yourself.

“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

In another mindset-focused book, it’s important to build a wealth mindset outside of business. Your personal success is defined by wealth goals outside of revenue and profit. Hill’s book isn’t about manifestation or wishful thinking, yet again providing practical solutions to build a successful, wealthy life.

“Start With Why” by Simon Sinek

If you want genuine, long-lasting success, you need to know where your purpose comes from. Mindset mastery begins with clarity about why you started your business. Applying your ideas, motivating yourself, and inspiring others all begin with a clear understanding of your purpose.

“The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom” by Don Miguel Ruiz

Success in and outside of business depends on how balanced your life is. Personal freedom allows you to remove limiting beliefs about your personal and professional capabilities. If you want a book based on moral and spiritual inspiration that helps you remove roadblocks in your life, “The Four Agreements” is for you.

Business success: Books aren’t the only way to learn

With this list of books for business success, you now have a handful of resources to get started. Your path to success is just around the corner. And, if you’re not a big reader, you can always use audiobooks, too. There’s something to be said about discovering success on the go.

Of course, books aren’t the only resource out there to cultivate your personal and professional success. There are videos, podcasts, and more from industry experts and thought leaders. You can find their expertise and insights on social media and many places online for free. The best way to cultivate success is to seek it out actively.

Amanda Hoyer
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Degreed in Psychology and English, Amanda fell into copywriting and blogging when she discovered an innate gift for narrative…
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