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How to motivate and inspire employees no matter what business you’re in

All too frequently, neither motivation nor inspiration gets the spotlight they deserve when it comes to getting employees to be the best they can be. It’s often a challenge for executives and managers to focus on and utilize the right motivational and inspirational techniques to transform a mediocre boss into an outstanding leader.

Moreover, when you’re able to fire up your employees, it’s good for the company’s bottom line. Motivated employees work harder for the business’ collective good and ultimate success. If you’ve found yourself casting about, wondering how to inspire employees in the most effective ways possible, you’re in luck.

We’ve put together six significant ways to inspire and motivate your staff to become the best versions of themselves while at work.

Diverse Business Team In Hallway
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What motivates your staff?

How well do you know the people with whom you work? Do you know their reasons “why”?

For example, do you know why they get out of bed in the morning? Why do they come to work every morning? Do they have a family to support? Are they ambitious people aching to climb the corporate ladder? Some of the best leaders take the time to find out what’s important to their team members. They take a genuine interest in their lives and do what they can to help their employees reach personal and career goals.

A great way to do that might be to help your company put together development and learning opportunities for your employees. If your business already has these programs, you can make sure your staff knows those opportunities exist.

Pay your workers what they’re worth

Some organizations try to skimp and get by with paying their employees the least amount of money possible. Some might try to compensate for that by providing additional benefits. However, the truth is that when it comes to employee salaries, if you become known as “that” company where you show by your compensation packages that you don’t put a premium on your people, you’re going to end up with a bad reputation. Moreover, you’ll end up with employees who just need a job. You certainly won’t have the cream of the crop when it comes to applicants.

If you don’t think that’s true, consider that employee loyalty is lower than ever. In fact, studies have shown that “26% of Engaged Employees would leave their current job for just a 5% pay increase.” Pay your employees what they’re worth, and you’ll lessen the risk of a competitor scooping up your best talent.

Give your employees the resources they need

How often have you asked your workers what they need today to do their jobs more effectively? Have you assumed they have all the tools and resources necessary? If so, it is definitely worth your while to take the collective pulse of your team members. They might feel that they need better equipment, a better work environment, or more information. If you’re smart, you’ll be an investigator. Find out what can make your employees’ efforts more effective and their work lives easier. You’ll discover that when you take action, there’s a high chance their productivity will increase.

Hand out compliments like candy

What does a nice word to someone cost you? Remember, you’re not a politician or a ruler, so you don’t need to get all Machiavellian with the belief that it’s better to be feared than loved. Everyone likes to be recognized and lauded for their accomplishments. By being free with your praise, you can help foster a more positive work environment and improve employee loyalty.

While some organizations have gone overboard when it comes to measuring exactly how many times you should praise someone for a job well done (Gallup says it should be once per week), no rule says you have to mete out compliments like a robot.

Provide self-development opportunities

We touched on this above, but it bears repeating. The more your employees feel that you are invested in their personal success, the more motivated and inspired they be will be. Remember, too, that by providing these chances to increase skills, the company benefits, as well.

Ultimately, you’ll end up with a workforce that’s better trained and educated in the specifics of your industry.

Don’t be punitive

Some organizations operate and conduct people management with punitive measures as their primary “weapon of choice” when it comes to motivating their workforce. Much like Governor Tarkin of Star Wars fame, they think fear of management is how to motivate and inspire employees. Fear will keep their employees in line.

They forget that they need their employees every bit as much as their employees need them. Nobody wants to lift a finger for a company like that. Remember that humans make mistakes. It’s your job to help those who mess up to learn from those mistakes. Additionally, encouraging your employees to try again is far more effective.

Meeting Of Diverse Team Members
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Bring out the best

Believe in your employees and assume good things about them rather than the worst. You can help drive maximum contributions from your staff by helping them achieve goals, providing praise and recognition, and ensuring they have a means to learn and advance in your company’s hierarchy.

Remember that when you keep your employees happy, you’ll be helping your company retain talent it might otherwise lose to a competitor. Moreover, you’ll help increase their productivity and the company’s bottom line.

Knowing how to inspire employees to work is all about keeping them motivated and engaged. When you take care of them, they’ll take care of you.

Will Blesch
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Will Blesch is a copywriter, content writer, and someone passionate about anything that lets him discover more about this…
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