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4 steps for introducing new technology in the workplace

Innovation in the world of technology happens at a lightning pace these days. However, many businesses are more than a bit slow on the uptake. One reason of that is the fact that technology changes so fast now that it’s hard to keep up-to-date. However, it’s also because some just don’t see how the new tech will add value to their companies.

Another reason is that trying to stay ahead of the curve could cost much more than your business is willing to spend. Still, staying abreast of current technology is essential in today’s world. Rapid-adopting competitors find ways to use new tech to stay ahead of trends and industry changes.

If you don’t figure out how to introduce new technologies in the workplace and then make them work for you, you’ll get left behind. In this article, you’ll find out that implementing new technology in the workplace doesn’t have to be as difficult as it may sound.

Implementing New Technology Graphic
Den Rise/Shutterstock

Pick relevant technologies

Introducing new technology into the workplace is all about providing solutions to inefficiencies and overcoming problems. Naturally, when issues arise, you look around for answers. In many cases, today’s technology offers the help you’re looking for. However, with all the marketing claims and hype, it’s essential to do your due diligence before making a choice.

Before you purchase new technology, be sure to talk to your employees about what you’re considering. Give them the pertinent details and lay out how the new technology is supposed to overcome whatever problem it’s designed to resolve. Get their feedback.

Other people you should get feedback from are your company’s stakeholders. Doing so can prevent surprises later on, and if you sell them on the new technology, they’ll become some of the best advocates for it.

Put together an implementation team

Once you’ve decided to bring in new technology, you need to create a team to champion it. We say “team” here, but if you run a small business, that team can consist of just one person if need be. In fact, you can be that champion if you must.

The point is that employees who aren’t familiar with the technology won’t necessarily jump up and down with joy over the fact that it’s being brought into the company. They’ll have to learn about it, how to use it, and the learning curve may not be all that easy. It’s vital to prepare your people well in advance and provide them with all the tools necessary to handle it. Moreover, your enthusiasm and advocacy (or that of your implementation team) are necessary to prevent morale from suffering during the technology transition.

When putting together your implementation team, if at all possible, try to include someone who can manage any conflicting priorities, someone to manage resources, and someone else to act as an administrator.

Run a pilot program

How will you encourage employees to adopt the new system? That’s an excellent question. One of the best ways to promote adoption of the new technology and gain employee “buy-in” is to ease everyone into it. You can do that by running a pilot program. A program like this is designed to prove the technology’s feasibility to everyone in the organization.

It’s more than likely that you’ll discover challenges, which you must overcome during this stage. If you’re able to do so, then you’ll be able to head into fully implementing the new technology. The next steps are to get everything installed and then begin training employees on its use.

Get everyone trained

Remember that a lot of technology isn’t user-friendly. It’s not intuitive. You, therefore, need a plan in place to get your entire staff up to speed. You can do that by providing professional and engaging training sessions. Just remember that not everyone learns in the same manner. That might sound annoying, but it’s a fact. Your training sessions must therefore be varied and take into account different learning needs.

Furthermore, you need to make sure your people know why the training matters and how their everyday work lives are likely to be affected.

In addition, always get feedback.

If you get pushback on adoption of the new technology, you need to know why. Receiving negative feedback doesn’t automatically mean you made the wrong decision. However, if it’s consistent and ongoing, there’s the possibility that you’ve jumped the gun on this particular piece of technology. In that case, you should review your original decision.

Man Working On New Technology Installation
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Launch the new technology

You’ve begun training and getting feedback, and everyone seems to be adopting it. Great! You still need to take steps to evaluate its performance on an ongoing basis. It’s a mistake to implement and then forget about while you move on to another pressing issue. Ideally, you should assign a specific person to keep track of the new technology’s performance over time.

Finally, be empathetic and sympathetic with those who must use the technology and who may be change-resistant. By remaining focused on the needs of your employees during the process of technology transitions, you can help speed along the implementation of new technology in your workplace.

Will Blesch
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Will Blesch is a copywriter, content writer, and someone passionate about anything that lets him discover more about this…
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